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Are you ready for job interviews?

Consultation - Phone Call - Office will contact client.

30 mins. | $40

Service Description

The Talented Interview is a toolkit we customize with you for successful interviewing with hiring managers and recruiter prescreening. It equips you with industry insights for one-on-one or panel interviews that leverage your opportunity to receive job offers. The interview is your “professional selling point” to the business need and opportunity to determine if it’s a good fit for both parties.


We focus on specific interview types:

- Internal Interviewing

- External Interviewing

- Informational Interviewing



24/7 Client Portal Access

Private Coaching & Consulting Sessions via Zoom or in-office.

*You are booking a 30 minute $40 consultation to move forward with sessions.

*This service typically requires two 1-hour sessions minimum at $150 per session.

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